Obsidi Academy Eligibility

Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp For Black Professionals

Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp For Black Professionals

Obsidi Academy: Free Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp For Black Professionals

Hey tribe, 

Black professionals are underrepresented in the Canadian tech ecosystem. The Brookfield Institute reports that only 2.6% of tech employees in Canada are Black.  Despite tech organizations releasing passionate public statements supporting diversity, equity and inclusion and committing to implementing tactics to attract and retain diverse talent, Black professionals are still underserved and excluded from tech talent-hiring pools.

  • Are you a Black professional residing in Canada struggling to break into tech? 
  • Ever consider pivoting towards a career in tech but feel like all other tech bootcamps are inaccessible due to costly course fees? 
  • Better yet, how about a tech bootcamp that pays you to learn and provides a job placement upon graduation?


We’ve got the plug! Obsidi Academy is the gateway for Black individuals legally authorized to work in Canada to learn new skills, launch a career as full-stack developers and, most importantly, get the knowledge they need to easily integrate into the tech industry and no longer be left behind!

About Obsidi Academy

Obsidi Academy is a knowledge-based provider owned and operated by Black Professionals in Tech Network (BPTN), offering best-in-class tech, business training, and professional development experiences for Black identified Canadians wishing to achieve their career goals through upskilling. In this first iteration of the program, Obsidi Academy will offer Black identified Canadian citizens and those who are legally authorized to work in Canada, the opportunity to obtain free full-stack developer training through its tech bootcamp. 

All enrolled participants earn a stipend of $2000/monthly during the 3-month intensive bootcamp and upon successful graduation get a job offer at TD.* Obsidi Academy gives Black professionals a secured pathway to break into the tech industry, a space in which Black professionals continue to be vastly underrepresented, and the tools and knowledge to crush their career goals now and well into the future.

*Visit OBSIDI Academy for full details.


What is a full-stack developer?

A full-stack developer is a professional associated with the field or area of computer systems applications who becomes proficient in developing two web domains, the front end and back end. The front end refers to everything the site visitors can see and the elements they can engage. In contrast, the rear end refers to invisible internal architectures to site visitors. Professionals knowledgeable in both those areas or disciplines are known as full-stack developers.

What knowledge or skillset will Obsidi Academy graduates receive?

  • Learn Object Oriented Programming using an enterprise modern programming language (Java). Learn the mechanics of backend development and the use of databases.
  • Learn to build and test web APIs using Java spring mvc, hibernate, postgresql, and postman
  • Develop your expertise as a knowledgeable professional and effective program solver in the field


Why become a full-stack developer?

Career Growth Opportunities 💼

Full-stack developers are heavily in demand in the tech industry, given the rich knowledge and flexible skillset they amass through their careers. LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Job Report lists the profession as the fourth top emerging job and has maintained a growth rate of 35 % yearly since 2015.