Full-Tech Bootcamp to Full-Time Job in 3 Months.

Participants also receive $2000 CAD a month* to develop into a software engineer!

Career-launching and Game-changing!

The All-New Obsidi® Academy

Obsidi® Academy is a bespoke knowledge-based provider by Black Professionals in Tech Network (BPTN), offering best-in-class training and professional development experiences for Black-identified Canadians looking to achieve their career goals through upskilling.

Based on the popularity and high demand of Obsidi® Academy, We have:

Full-Time Job Offers* upon Graduation

Successful graduates are offered* a full-time job at one of the Obsidi® Academy Partner companies. Based on your interests and Partner business needs, successful alumni fill roles in over ten different business units, including:

AI Programming

Business Banking

Cloud Computing

Data Engineering

Full Stack Development

Mobile & Applications

Quality Engineering


Software Enablement

Streaming Services

* Offer is contingent upon passing the Obsidi® Academy and partner companies’ criminal and financial background checks.

Beyond “full-stack” Obsidi® Academy is Full-Tech!

More than a traditional “full-stack dev bootcamp”, Obsidi® Academy has evolved into a Full Tech Bootcamp to train the next software engineers. With 3-months of intensive hands-on training, this full-time program prepares you to confidently impact a business on day 1.
Obsidi® Academy is a full-time 3-month commitment that includes:

Obsidi® Academy Partners

Created in 2021 by BPTN, in partnership with TD, built a one-of-a-kind solution for employers of choice who want to diversify their talent pipeline with best-in-class tech talent.