

The CULTIVATE mentoring program, hosted by Black Professionals in Tech Network (BPTN), pairs 350 Black professionals, Black identified individuals under 29 years old who reside in Canada, with executives in the tech and business sector.

The program provides mentors the ability to connect with a cohort of qualified Black professionals. This community engagement opportunity gives each mentor the ability to concretely help build stronger career development pathways for Black professionals wishing access the technology industry. Alternatively, all participating mentees are able to enrich their network and receive much needed expert mentorship from some of Canada’s top tech executives and business leaders.

BFUTR 2019 attendee

Build meaningful connections

Grow your network

Senior level black professionals in tech talking at a table at BFUTR event

Be coached by tech and business leaders

Take Your Career to the Next Level. Find a Mentor.

Two young black professionals working together to solve a problem on a laptop in a downtown office

How does it work?

When you sign up to be part of CULTIVATE, you will either be placed in individual or group mentoring sessions. Your group will meet with a mentor for monthly hour-long sessions over the course of six months.

What are the benefits of mentorship?

Our mentors are leaders from Canada’s top companies who can provide you with sound advice. They can assist with attaining your career goals, developing hard or soft skills, and can help you learn how to put your best foot forward in every (virtual or physical) room you enter.

Change a Life. Become a Mentor.

Senior level black professionals in tech talking at a table at BFUTR event

How does it work?

When you sign up to be a CULTIVATE mentor, you will be placed in individual or group mentoring sessions depending on mentee availability and your preference. The minimum requirement is that you will meet with your mentee(s) for one hour, monthly sessions each month for six months. The program starts in May of each year and runs until October.

What are the benefits of being a mentor?

This is an opportunity to help early career Black professionals supercharge their network, level up their career, and take the necessary steps to meet their goals!