Obsidi Recruit FAQ
- 1. Obsidi Recruit user manual
- 2. Do I need to create a member profile before I create an Obsidi Recruit profile?Yes, before creating an Obsidi Recruit profile, you will need to create a member profile. You can create your partner profile using the following steps:
- Click become a partner button
- Select subscription
- Login with your member profile. If you are not a member, create a member profile first.
- Then, add company details and make payment
- Complete your profile, then explore Obsidi
- 3. Can I create an Obsidi Recruit profile if I already have a member profile?Yes, simply select the subscription you want and create your partner profile.
- 4. How do I find my Obsidi Recruit company page after logging into obsidi.com?You can access your company page from the content feed (tea spot) or from the drop down menu in the navigation bar.
- 5. How do I send direct messages with my Obsidi Recruit company profile?The process of sending messages on Obsidi is the same for companies and members. However, company admins with direct message as part of their subscription have an advantage to message people they are not already connected with.
- 6. Can I connect with members using my Obsidi Recruit company profile?No. Obsidi Recruit company profiles cannot connect with members. However, admins who manage the Obsidi Recruit page on behalf of their companies can connect with members.
- 7. My company has already paid for a subscription to Obsidi Recruit outside of the platform, how do I create our profile and bypass the payment option?You will need a code to bypass the payment at checkout. The code will be entered into the code field on the payment request page. This will allow you to bypass the payment option without submitting another payment during your account setup.
- 8. How do I chat with others through the use of my Obsidi Recruit company page?
- The account admin should navigate to the member's public profile page where they will see the "connect and message button" for the member - assuming they’ve not yet established a connection.
- The Obsidi Recruit admin will have to click on the message button to initiate a chat using Obsidi Recruit chat subscription.
- Compose a message in the chat box
- Click send and then select their company profile
- 9. How do I react to a post with the use of the available Obsidi icons?This functionality is not available at this time.
- 10. How do I create a post as a partner?Access the create a post box, select your company profile, add your content and post.
- 11. How can I upgrade or change my Obisidi Recruit subscription plan if I have already selected a plan post-payment?Regrettably, Obsidi Recruit partners cannot amend their subscription plans post-payment at this time. However, when this option is available a communication will be relayed to partners.
Become A Member using Social accounts
- Click become a member
- Select your preferred social network (LinkedIn, Google or Slack)
- Input your credentials for the selected social network and sign in
- Accept permissions to share data
- Input your first name, last name, and select the appropriate answer to ‘Are you a member of the black community?’ and click save
- Click link to complete profile
Become A member using Email
Click become a member
Click the Mailbox icon
Input your email address, password and confirm password
Click the send code button. A confirmation code will then be sent to your email
Access your email and copy the confirmation code. Note: the code expires within 90 seconds, if the code expires, click the resend code link
Input the confirmation code and click Become a Member
Input your first name, last name, and select the appropriate answer to ‘Are you a member of the black community?’ and click save
Click the link to complete your profile
First time becoming a member?
Yes - click on the link to complete your profile on the welcome modal
No - click on the pencil icon on the name card on the tea spot page or profile page
To update your profile image, first name, last name, gender, age range, country, province/ state & city
Click on the pencil icon on the name section, and make the updates/changes
Made changes?
- If yes, click the update button to save changes
- If no, click cancel
To make changes to your headline, company name, experience level, years of experience, industry, area of expertise & website url
Click on the pencil icon on the Job section, and make the updates/changes
Made changes?
- Yes, click update button to save changes
- No, click cancel
To add your reason for joining
Click on the pencil icon on the main goal section and select a reason for joining
Selected a reason?
- Yes, click update button
- No, click cancel button
You can upload an image from your profile
- Click on the pencil icon on the name card on the tea spot page or profile page
- Click on the pencil icon on the name section
- Click upload image
- Select image
- Click open
- Click update button
NB: Upload limit for image is 5mb and file type is png, jpeg or jpg
You can remove you profile image from your profile
- Click on the pencil icon on the name card on the tea spot page or profile page
- Click on the pencil icon on the name section
- Click remove image
- Click update button
Resumes can be added through your profile
- Click on the pencil icon on the name card on tea spot page or profile page
- Click on the pencil icon on the Job section, scroll down to upload files here
- Click upload files here
- Select resume
- Click open and update.
Note: resumes must be in doc or pdf format
Resume can be removed from profile page
- Click on the pencil icon on the name card on tea spot page or profile page
- Click on the pencil icon on the Job section, scroll down to upload files here
- Click remove
- Click update button
Logged in? Yes
- On the web, click on the drop down menu on the top right corner
- On mobile, tap on your image on top left corner to view menu
- then, select change password
- enter new password
- enter confirm new password
- click submit
Logged in? No
- Click member login
- Click forgot password
- Input email and click send reset email
- Check email for ‘please reset password’ from Obsidi by BPTN
- Click reset password from email
- Enter new password, enter confirm password and click submit
- Click invite peeps on dropdown menu or on tea spot
- Click copy icon beside your unique link
- Send to your contacts
You can only invite peeps when you are logged in
You must be logged in to send a connection request
From tea spot
Through a post
- Click on the name or image of a Member
- Click connect on their profile page
Through suggested connection
- Click connect or click on their name or image to view their profile and click connect
From search bar
- Type the name of Member
- Click on the member’s name or image
- View profile and click connect
- Tap or click on the search bar
- Click see all result (Note, you can use a filter to narrow down search or scroll down)
- Click connect
a. From my Tribe
On web
- Click on my tribe on the navigation bar
- Click received tab
iii. Click accept
Want to view the sender's profile? Click sender's name or image, view profile and click accept
On mobile
- tap on your image on the top left corner to view menu, tap my tribe
- select received from the drop-down menu
iii. click accept
Want to view the sender's profile? click sender's name or image, view profile and click accept
b. From pings
- Click on pings on navigation bar
- Click view
- Click accept
Click decline instead of accept (ref accept process)
From tea spot
a. For web
- Click on your image or name on the name card
- Or click the page button on the name card
- View total number of connections
b. For mobile
- Click your image on the top left corner to view menu
- Tap on My page
- View the total number of connections
From my Tribe
a. on web
- click on my tribe on the navigation bar
- Connections will be listed on the connected tab
- click block on desired connection
b. on mobile
- tap on your image on top left corner to view menu, tap my tribe
- scroll down to find the Member you want to block
- click block
From tea spot
- Click on the member’s name or image
- Ensure that you are connected.
- No, then connect. (N.B. Messages can only be sent to members you are connected with)
- Yes, click message
- Type message into the message box and click send
- Recipient would receive an email notification
From my tribe
- Under connected tab scroll to find the member
- Click message
- Type message into the message box and click send
From Search
- Type the member’s name into the search bar and click on their name or image
- Click message
- Type message into the message box and click send
- Type the member’s name and click see all results
- Scroll to the member and click message button
- Type message into the message box and click send
From Direct message icon
- Click or tap on the message icon on the navigation bar
- Click on the name or image of the message sender
- Type your response into the message box and click send
- Click the DM icon on navigation bar
- Click on the message to open the message box
- Click the three dots on the specific message you want to edit
- Click edit message
- Make changes to the message and click save