Find Community on Obsidi

Join a Supportive Community of Black Professionals

Create your account and find community connections on Obsidi – our multi-sided networking platform of choice for all Black professionals. Meet like-minded Black professionals and allies who want to see you succeed, network, explore job opportunities, and be the first to know about upcoming member events.

Finding your Tribe on Obsidi

We believe the unapologetic focus on Black tech talent brings cultural and professional relevance. BPTN has become a trusted leader in the Black tech community. This gives us the ability to connect top Black tech talent with companies and support them to not only attract and hire but also retain and promote with our platform Obsidi by BPTN.

  • Enjoy Exclusive Member Benefits. Our exclusive member benefits allow you to enrich your network. Find or become a mentor, secure job opportunities and learn from global tech experts at our events. Let us help you to level up your career.
  • Connect with the Right People. Meet C-suite executives, engineers, marketers, and highly skilled Black professionals working in and on tech by tapping into our rich global ecosystem. With a long list of professionals on Obsidi, you’ll quickly find the right connections you need to grow your professional network.

  • Thrive with Us on Obsidi! Find your path, make an impact and let’s thrive together! Join today, and be a part of the future of Black tech, one connection at a time.